Saturday, August 17, 2024

Words from the Lord: "This is your time to come forth!"

The Lord says: 

"In a volatile and turbulent time like this, do not allow yourself to bow down and succumb under the atmosphere around you. This is the time to receive My power to rise above and not go below. Rise above every discouragement sent by the enemy. Rise above every grief and disappointment. Rise above every regret and stagnation. This is your time to come forth! This is your time for a breakthrough! Declare that things have begun moving! Look to Me and receive! For I have overcome for you!"

In John 16:33, Jesus says: "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."

The word 'overcome' here is 'nikao' in Greek, meaning 'to subdue, to conquer, to prevail, to get the victory'. So today, the Lord has given you the power to subdue, the power to conquer, the power to prevail, and the power to get your victory! 

Here in John 16:33, Jesus says that He has overcome the world! Now, 'the world' here is translated in Greek as 'kosmos', which means 'the patterns (or the ways) of this world'. If you look around you, you'd see that the patterns (or the ways) of this fallen world is full of trouble, confusion, griefs, problems, hurts, bitterness, and so on. We cannot deny this fact. Every day, we see more bad news than good news in the news channels. 

But you know what? There's great hope for us who are believers, because in Jesus, you have peace, even though in the world, there is tribulation or trouble. 

So, what does this word 'tribulation' mean here (in the context of this verse)? It is the word 'thlipsis' in Greek, which can mean 'pressure, stress, anguish, burden, persecution, trouble'. 

But in spite of all this, the Lord has a good news for you. What is this good news? In Him, you may have peace. This word 'peace' is 'eirene' in Greek, which carries the meaning 'being at rest, having quietness, being at one (with God)'. 

As I was praying and talking to God recently, this word 'overcome' kept coming to mind. So, I decided to check this word out. This word can be defined as 'to succeed in a struggle against (something)'. It can also be defined as 'to defeat, to be victorious, to triumph'. Or it can be defined as 'to find a way of dealing with or solving (a problem)'. 

So, if Jesus has overcome for you, it means He has ways to deal with or solve all of your situations or problems. In other words, He is the solution to any trouble, grief, confusion, or whatever trouble that is in this world. Why? Simply because John 14:6 says that He is the way, the truth, and the life! You see, He is the way! He will know how to open a way for you! He will know how to clear the way for you! He will know how to make a way for you, where there seems to be no way! 

Whatever you may be going through at the moment, know that He has opened the way for you, He has cleared the way for you, and He has begun making a way for you! 

What's your part? What should you do now? 

Let go of all your bitterness and grudges, whether against others who have offended you or hurt you, or even against your own self. Maybe it's due to certain regrets that you have. Maybe it's due to some past mistakes that you've made. Let it all go to the Lord. Look to the Lord afresh and anew. The Lord will know how to help you turn a new leaf of life, or a new page in your life. All is not lost yet. The Lord is always the Lord of new things, even in your life. So, cast all your cares and cast all your burdens to Him. 

Yes, clear away all your sins. Let go of whatever that hinders your walk with the Lord. Ask the Lord to show you what are those areas in your life that have hindered your walk with the Lord. Ask the Lord to help you. He will show you. He will help you. Because He loves you so much. He sees you as His beloved. 

Whatever trouble or tribulation you may be facing at the moment, and in any area of your life, I want to declare by faith that the Lord has a way out for you! Can you say "Amen!" to that? Let not your heart doubt. But let your heart believe and receive. To men, it may be impossible in your situation; but to God, all things are possible. Look to the Lord. He is a God of all possibilities. Look to Him, and receive now the power to overcome!

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