Saturday, August 10, 2024

Seeing with your spiritual eyes in unpredictable times

The Lord says: 

"In a time of volatility that's coming in this world, look to Me and look not to the worldly ways or worldly systems for the answers. For I will make the way clear for you. I will show you the way of escape. I will show you the way to safety. For I am enlightening the spiritual eyes of My people to 'see' in ways that the world cannot 'see'. I am raising up a people who are clear in their spiritual understanding and spiritual perception." 

The word 'volatility' can be defined as 'the tendency to change quickly and unpredictably', or 'the tendency to change suddenly and unexpectedly'. This can be politically, socially, geographically, or economically. And it's going to happen more and more in the coming months. But fear not, beloved. Because the Lord will know how to show you the way to deal with all this, in spite of whatever 'headwind' that's coming in the world. Your part is to look to Him and trust Him. He will know how to lead you, guide you, and show you the way. 

In the context of our message today, 'to be clear' is 'to be free from any form of ambiguity', or 'the ability to see clearly with our spiritual eyes'. Many people in this world may see with their natural (or physical) eyes, but you can see with your spiritual eyes. Because the Spirit of the Lord is in you. You'll see how God sees. You'll see the way God sees, not the way the world sees. 

Ephesians 1:17-18 (NKJV) says, '...that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened...' 

When many people in this world are in a state of confusion and are panicky, you will not be like them. Because the Lord will cause you to see clearly with your spiritual eyes, and from the lenses of God. You will not need to be afraid like those in this world. In fact, the Lord has promised that He will show you the way of escape, and He will show you the way to safety. Keep believing and keep looking to the Lord.

Are you in a situation where there's just no way out for you, or no way of escape for you? Or you feel like you are 'trapped' in the situation that you're in? 

Whatever the situation that you may be facing at the moment, take heart. Because as long as your heart draws near to the Lord, and your spirit is open to the Lord, things can change suddenly for you. Yes, even a breakthrough that you've never imagined can happen. You may even see a sudden change of fortunes in ways that you cannot imagine yet. Remember, all things are possible to God! 

In spite of whatever that's happening around you at the moment, and maybe things aren't going too well for your life at the moment, do not lose heart and do not lose hope. As long as you know the Lord is still with you, all things are possible. The Lord your God can suddenly spring a surprise for you. 

Right now, the Lord is releasing the anointing upon you to be set free from whatever this fallen world has framed you and molded you. Let every yoke, bondage, and limitation in your life be destroyed! And let your spiritual eyes of understanding be enlightened to begin to 'see' the way God wants you to 'see'!

You see, as a beloved of God, you have hope. You know why? Because you have the Lord your God with you. Nothing else matters more. So, draw near to the Lord, and He will draw near to you. Let His Spirit fill you to the overflow. Commune with Him and go deeper with Him. His Word and His Spirit. He will show you what to do and how to go about, going forward. He will show you the many secrets that the world doesn't know, yes, even the future. He will equip you and prepare you for what is to come in this world. You'll be glad you did!

Click here for the full message in TiC YouTube Channel