Sunday, March 26, 2023

Words from the Lord: A time to repair and restore!

The Lord says: "My grace to repair, restore, mend, heal, and reconcile is very rich for you in this time and season. Receive from Me. Receive My love. What needs to repair, let Me repair. What needs to restore, let Me restore. What needs to mend, let Me mend. What needs to refresh, let Me refresh. What needs to reconcile, let Me reconcile. Do not look at your troubles, but look to Me. For My river has been released to you. My river brings life and peace. My river brings gladness of heart."

The Lord says further: "Therefore cease from your struggle. Let go and release all your worries and anxieties to Me. For I am the Lord who cares for you. Leave all those troubles to Me, for I am your refuge and I will help you." 

This is a time for repairing and restoring what has been broken. It may be a broken family relationship. It may be a hurt or wound in your soul. It may be a regret because of something that you've done. Or maybe you feel terrible because you've said something that you shouldn't have said out, and therefore it hurts.

Whatever your situation may be, I have a good news for you. This is the time for God to repair and restore whatever that has been broken. Whatever your situation may be, there is an answer for you, and there is a solution for you. Take heart. 

Psalm 46:10 says, 'Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!' 

As you are being still before the Lord, know that He is the Lord. He is higher than any form of trouble in your life. He is higher than any situation in your life. He is higher than any problem in your life. Indeed, there's nothing in this world that He cannot solve for you, and there's nothing in this world that He cannot help you. 

The word 'still' here is 'rawfaw' in Hebrew. It can mean 'to let go and release (in this context, to let go and release to God)'. It can mean 'to cease from your struggle (whatever your struggle may be at the moment)'. It can also mean 'to leave your worries or anxieties (in this context, to leave your worries or anxieties to God)'. 

In cross-reference, 1 Peter 5:6-7 says, 'Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.' 

Look at the word 'exalt' here. This word 'exalt' can mean 'to lift you up, to raise you up, to open a way for you'. As you cast all your care, i.e. cast all your worries, all your anxieties, all your troubles, and all your struggles to Him, let Him take over. He will know how to help you and show you a way. He is a God who cares for you! 

By the way, the word 'casting' (in 'casting all your care upon Him') is 'epirripto' in Greek. It can mean 'to let go and release (in the context of this verse, to let go and release to God)'. It can also mean 'to throw or place upon (God)'.

Do you see the word 'all' in 'casting all your care' here? Not some of your care. Not part of your care. But all your care upon the Lord! 

The Lord wants to assure you that He knows how to take over your situation, no matter how difficult or impossible it may seem to you at the moment. To Him, nothing is impossible. He can even make a way (or give you a solution) supernaturally! 

Psalm 46:1-3 says, 'God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear; even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea, though its waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with its swelling.' 

He is your very present help. He is now here and present with you. He is also your refuge and strength. It means He is your hiding place, your safe place, your safety. Indeed, there's no other better place than to be in His presence. And that's when you also receive His strength!

Psalm 46:4-5 says, 'There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High. God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved; God shall help her, just at the break of dawn.' 

As the day breaks and as the sun rises in the morning, all the shadows and darkness will begin to disappear. Because when the light comes, the darkness flees. That's what it means by 'God shall help her, just at the break of dawn'. In other words, when His light begins to shine on you, all those darkness (i.e. all those adversities or troubles) will have to be scattered and leave you!  

Of course, these verses in Psalm 46 speak literally about Jerusalem, the city of God. But you can also apply this in your life. Because you are the temple of the Holy Spirit, the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit! (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) 

And this same river in Psalm 46 can also flow into your life right now, bringing refreshing, restoration, repair, healing, even making you glad!

Click here for the full teaching in TiC YouTube Channel