The Lord says: "Many of My people are entering a new season in their lives. Do not fear or be anxious, but rejoice in Me! Look not behind you, but look forward to the good that I have prepared for you! New season brings new supply of My grace and favor. New season brings new open doors for you. New season brings new people walking along your path. Walk in this new season."
The Lord says further: "Keep hearing My voice and My words! Keep your heart right before Me and stay yielded to Me! That's how I will supply you with the wisdom you need in your new season. And you'll know how to go about and what to do in this new season of yours."
1 Chronicles 12:32 (NKJV) says, '...of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, their chiefs were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their command.'
This name 'Issachar' here is 'Yissakar' in Hebrew, and it literally means 'He will bring a reward'. In the context here, the reward for being discerning and being in tune with the Spirit of the Lord is in knowing what to do and how to go about in each time and season of their lives!
How about the word 'times' here? It's 'paam' in Hebrew, and very interestingly, one meaning of this word is 'footsteps'. In other words, knowing how to follow the footsteps of the Lord and walk in step with the Lord! This is so important. You know why? Because when you follow the footsteps of the Lord and walk in step with the Lord, you will never need to worry about walking in the wrong direction in your life!
By the way, to walk in step with the Lord is to walk in exactly the same timing and pattern of movement as the Lord! Wherever He walks, you walk; and wherever He goes, you go!
Back to the verse just now. To put it simply, the sons of Issachar knew what to do and how to go about in each time and season they were walking in!
May all of us be like the sons of Issachar!
Of course the question here is how did they know their time and season? How did they discern and understand the times? What are their secrets? What made them different from the others? And what can we learn from them?
I believe the answer is in being open and yielded to the Spirit of the Lord! As a matter of fact, the more you are surrendered to Him and the more you are yielded to Him, the more you will be in tune with what He says, whether through His Word or through His Spirit! And that's how you will know, understand, and discern the time and season of the Lord in your life!
You see, the answer lies in this word 'footsteps'! Follow His 'footsteps'! Because that's when you will be where He will be, and walk where He walks!
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