Sunday, August 8, 2021

Receive grace and favor to overturn the works of the enemy!

Words from the Lord in this time and season:

"What the enemy tries to work against you, this is your time to receive the grace and favor to overturn its works! Like for Esther and Mordecai in the days of old, I will know how to overturn the works of the enemy and I will know how to turn things around for your advancement!"

People of God, in recent times, if you have been hindered by the enemy, or if you have been attacked by the enemy, fear not, because the Lord is saying to you, "Receive not only My wisdom, but receive My grace and favor to overcome! Look to Me, and I will know how to overturn the works of the enemy against you!"

Let's go to the book of Esther now. The background of Esther is that Mordecai (the cousin of Esther) raised her up and took care of her, because Esther didn't have father and mother since early on. 

Here in this book, King Ahasuerus (the king of Persia at that time) was looking for a new queen because he was offended by the previous queen, Queen Vashti. 

Esther 2:17 says, 'The king loved Esther more than all the other women, and she obtained grace and favor in his sight more than all the virgins; so he set the royal crown upon her head and made her queen instead of Vashti'.

Notice the words 'grace and favor' here. In Hebrew, it's 'khane' and 'khehsed'. So, Esther obtained grace and favor in the king's sight more than all the virgins, and she was crowned the new queen. 

By the way, what is 'grace'? 'Grace' is God's ability and God's supply in your life. It means 'God's ability to do for you what you cannot do for yourself', and 'God's supply for you what you cannot supply for yourself'.

You see, people of God, not only do we need wisdom in life, but we need God's grace and God's favor in our lives too! 'Khane' and 'khehsed'! And no matter what challenges or predicament you may be facing right now, by God's grace and favor ('khane' and 'khehsed'), you will overcome and you will overturn the works of the enemy! God will reverse it for you - for your advancement and for your victory!

Let's study a little about Mordecai now. Even though this book is called the book of Esther, but Mordecai was just as prominent in this book. Proof? Look at chapter 10, the last chapter of this book, and you'll see the whole book of Esther is wrapped up with Mordecai's advancement. So, it's also a book about Mordecai!

Who was Mordecai? This man Mordecai was someone who love God, and who would not bow down to the ways of man that's against God. But because Mordecai did not bow down and pay homage to Haman (Esther 3:1-3), Haman then plotted to kill him. Not only did Haman wanted to kill Mordecai, Haman also plotted to destroy and wipe out the people of Mordecai (i.e. the Jews) entirely! (Esther 3:6-8)

Mordecai then told Esther about Haman's wicked plans. And that's when Esther took a big risk to meet the king, because anyone who entered the inner court of the king without being called to do so, that person would be put to death! (Esther 4:11-16) However, Esther found favor in the sight of the king (Esther 5:1-3). 

Esther then devised a plan to organize a banquet for the king, Haman, and herself - just three of them (Esther 5:4). Do you see that? Instead of telling it all to the king then and there about Haman's wicked plans, somehow Esther had the wisdom to organize a banquet first. Now, how did Esther have that wisdom? I believe it's because she feared the Lord. Proverbs 9:10 says, 'The fear of the Lord (reverence of the Lord) is the beginning of wisdom (knowing what to do, how to go about in life)'.

During the banquet, when the king asked Esther what's her request, Esther then requested for her life and her people's lives be preserved from the plan to annihilate and wipe them out (Esther 7:1-4). The king then asked who would dare to do such a wicked thing to annihilate her people (Esther 7:5), and Esther answered, "The adversary and the enemy is this wicked Haman!" (Esther 7:6) Can you imagine how terrified Haman was at that time? The king became very angry with Haman, and Haman was later executed on the very gallows that he had set up for Mordecai! (Esther 7:10) Things have been turned around!

People of God, fear not therefore if you have been a victim of plots, conspiracies, attacks, character assassinations, or even office politics against you. Continue to fear the Lord, because that's when He will give you the wisdom you need to turn things around (Proverbs 9:10). And continue to humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, because that's when God will give you grace (1 Peter 5:5-6).

Indeed, you have an All-knowing, All-powerful, and All-present God, and He will know how to turn things around for those who fear Him, humble themselves before Him, and look to Him! Hallelujah!


"O Lord God, in times like these, we look to You and we receive not just Your wisdom, but also Your grace and favor ('khane' and 'khehsed') to overturn whatever the enemy is trying to work against us. Just as in the days of Esther and Mordecai, You are the same yesterday, today and forever. You are the same All-knowing, All-powerful, and All-present God who knows exactly the plots, conspiracies and plans of the enemy against Your people. And You know how to turn things around for our victory and for our advancement. Anything that has been hindered or seemingly dead-end in our lives, O Lord, we pray for Your divine wisdom, grace and favor to be released upon us this day. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen."

Click here for the full teaching in TiC YouTube Channel