Ezra 9:8b: That our God may enlighten our eyes and give us a measure of revival in our bondage.
The key verses here are in Ezra 9:8-9. Meditate on these verses. There's hope for you to be set free from any 'bondage' (Ezra 10:2) and be revived (Ezra 9:9).
It's time to let God revive you again. Let God revive you to His very original 'blueprint' for your life. I believe your ‘land’, your family, your ministry, your career, your business, your finance, or even your health will be revived. 'To be revived' here means 'to be brought back to life, to be brought back to what/where you should be, or to be brought back to God's very original blueprint/plan/purpose for your life'.
If you are 'stuck' in a certain 'bondage' or 'trap' in life, or if there seems to be no 'headway' in your life, or no breakthrough in what you do, there's hope for you. God has not forgotten you. Just as in Ezra’s time, there’s a way out for you, and you can be set free and revived today!
Let's look at Ezra now. He was a man who knew God, and he would never compromise with pagans' ways (unbelievers' ways or worldly ways). He did not 'go under' the status quo, norm, or bondage in his days. He stayed connected to the Lord (instead of worldly ways). So, when Ezra found out that his people (who have just returned to Jerusalem & Judah from their captivity in Babylon) were inter-marrying the pagans, instead of being 'set apart' for the Lord, he wept and bowed before the Lord (on behalf of his people) for trespassing God's covenant (Ezra 10:1-2). He pleaded for God's mercy and asked God to revive his people to His original 'blueprint' for their lives. As a result, the people did put their pagan wives away (Ezra 10:11) and then offered 'trespass offering' to the Lord (Ezra 10:19). Eventually, God revived them again.
In our days, 'inter-marrying the pagans' is a 'picture' of Christians 'inter-mingling into worldly ways/lifestyles' (instead of being 'set apart' for God), and thus falling into the bondage of worldliness. 'To fall into a bondage' is to 'go under’ the prevailing spiritual atmosphere of the land, the paganistic ways (the unbelievers’ ways/culture/lifestyles). As believers, one should be 'above' the bondage, not 'under' the bondage. Ephesians 2:6 says 'we are sitting with Christ in the heavenly places', above every form of bondage on earth. Only from this position (in Christ) can you declare change over your 'land', bondages be broken, and people are set free.
It's time to meditate again on all the dreams, visions, and prophecies that ‘you know that you know that you know’ is from the Lord for your life. Let Him revive His blueprint for your life again. When you are revived to His original plan, you’ll see shalom peace & prosperity in your life again. You’ll be strong and you'll 'eat the good of the land' again (Ezra 9:12). That was exactly what happened in Ezra's time.
Beloved, Christ has indeed become your 'trespass offering' on the cross, and you can be connected back to Christ again (John 15:5). He is the vine, and you are the branch, and you'll bear much fruit again!