Saturday, July 27, 2024

Words from the Lord: The padlock has already been broken!

I have a dream the other day about a beloved of God whom I know. In real life, this person has already retired from his career. At first, in the dream, he seemed worried and miserable, not knowing about his future and what comes next. 

Then, in the dream, suddenly I saw this person being given a sickle in the field. It was a huge field. Then I saw how God gave him extraordinary strength to begin harvesting in the huge field, way beyond his usual physical strength. It was supernatural. As he began using the sickle faithfully, I then saw continuous blessings and provisions being released upon him. 

It's like a new lease of life for him. It's like there's a fresh hope for him. It's like there's a fresh new purpose being given to him.

Even though this dream is specifically about that person, and I've prayed for that person, the Lord is saying this is also for you who are reading here. You may or may not be at the retirement age, but whatever your age or situation may be right now, the Lord is saying to let go of your anxieties and worries to Him. Trust Him that any time you need extraordinary strength and provision, He is here for you. And you will not be lacking any good thing in this new season of yours. 

Psalm 34:9-10 (NKJV) says, 'Oh, fear the Lord, you His saints! There is no want (lack) to those who fear Him. The young lions lack and suffer hunger; but those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.' 

You see 'good thing' here? This doesn't have to be a material thing. This can be God's favor, God's wisdom, God's revelation, God's anointing, God's empowering, God's enabling, and the list goes on. 

The word 'seek' here is 'dawrash' in Hebrew. It can mean 'to look to, to inquire, to ask, to follow after'. In other words, to seek the Lord is to follow after the Lord closely, without having any shadow of doubt of His goodness, His leading, and His direction for your life. 

The Lord says: 

"Keep moving on in your new season. Don't allow yourself to get stuck in your past. Leave your past behind you, and look forward to Me and the many good things that I am going to show you. Be at rest with your new season. Embrace your new season. Walk in your new season. Make full use of your new season. There will be new windows of opportunity for you. There will be new doors being opened for you. Yes, even in unprecedented ways. Look to Me and ask, and I will show you." 

The enemy will try to make you think that you are stuck in your life or in your career. But today, God is saying this is a lie. Take authority and rebuke the notion that you are stuck in your life!

As I was praying and ministering to another person recently, I saw a cage that the enemy has locked that person up. Then I saw God's hand breaking the padlock of the cage. This person was then able to get out of the cage and be set free. I then declared upon him that the 'padlock' of his life has already been broken by the Lord's hand. He's a free man now. A heavy burden and a heavy weight has been lifted away from him. Hallelujah!

Beloved, the Lord is saying the same to you right now, that whatever 'cage' that you are trapped in, God's hand is now breaking the padlock, and you are now set free! You are set free to be who God wants you to be in this new season!

The Lord says: 

"This is the time to get out of the cage that the enemy has locked you up in your past season. My hand has broken the padlock of that cage. It is a time for you to be set free. It is a time for you to progress and begin to fulfill your potential and talents that I have given you."

The grace for you to move on is very rich in this time and season. This can be a moving on to another job opportunity. This can be a moving on to a new location. This can be a moving on to a new frontier. This can be a moving on to a new job description. This can be a moving on to a new way of doing ministry that God has for you this season.

This is also the time to clear away whatever you need to clear, so that you'll be ready to embrace your new season. Even if you have to let go of certain toxic relationships, let these go. Even if you have to let go of certain practices that don't work in the new season anymore, let these go. Even if you have to let go of certain relationships that have bogged you down, let these go. Yes, let go of all the burdens and weights that you've been carrying unnecessarily all these while. Let all these go to the Lord, so that you can get hold of the new things that the Lord has for you, going forward. Amen!

Click here for the full message in TiC YouTube Channel