Saturday, June 22, 2024

A time to refresh and renew!

The Lord says: "I am refreshing what has become weary in your life. I am setting you free from the weariness that hinders you from progressing in your life. This is the time to receive My refreshing and renewal. There will be new life again! There will be new hope again! There will be new passion again! There will be new strength again!" 

Maybe you feel like a plant that's withering. You feel like your growth is stunted, whether spiritual growth or career growth. You feel like you can't lift up your head high anymore. You feel like there's no headway in your life. You feel like you are going nowhere. Or you feel like your future is bleak.

Whatever it is, the Lord is 'watering' you right now. He is 'watering' you afresh and anew again.

In Jeremiah 31:23-25, the Lord says: "When I bring them back from captivity, the people in the land of Judah and its towns will once again use these words: 'The Lord bless you, you prosperous city, you sacred mountain.' People will live together in Judah and all its towns - farmers and those who move about with their flocks. I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint." 

The word 'refresh' here is 'ravah' in Hebrew. It means 'to fill with abundance of water' or 'to breathe new life'. Interestingly, this word 'ravah' is from the word 'ruwach', meaning 'breath of God' or 'Spirit of God'. 

Indeed, it is the breath of God or the Spirit of God that can truly refresh you. It is the breath of God or the Spirit of God that can breathe new life and fill you with fresh new hope and strength. This is the time for you to receive, especially if you've been feeling weary and tired in your soul, or if you've been feeling hopeless and passionless in your life. 

The context of Jeremiah 31:23-25 here is that the Lord had spoken about the day when His people would say: 'The Lord bless you, you prosperous city, you sacred mountain.' Not only would they be restored spiritually and materially, they would also be refreshed. 

The same it is with you, beloved. You will find new passion again. You will find new hope again. You will find new strength again. 

Maybe recently your progress in life seems to be hindered. It seems like there's just no breakthrough. It's like there's just no way out from whatever that you are stuck with. 

But the Lord has a good news for you today. He has spoken this is your time to break free. This is your time to declare: 'The Lord bless me, I am a prosperous city, I am a sacred mountain.' Amen!

Let's move on to another part of the Scripture. In Isaiah 44:1-4, the Lord says: "Do not be afraid, O Jacob, My servant, O dear Israel, My chosen one. For I will pour out water to quench your thirst and to irrigate your parched fields. And I will pour out My Spirit on your descendants, and My blessing on your children. They will thrive like watered grass, like willows on a river bank." 

Even though these words are for the people of God those days, this applies to you too. Because you too are God's beloved and God's children. 

The word 'thrive' here is 'tsaw-makh' in Hebrew. It means 'to spring up, to spring forth, to grow again, to be full of life again'. Let this be so for you too!

This is your time to receive afresh and anew from the Lord. This is your time to receive a fresh new hope and a fresh new strength for what's ahead in your life. In Jesus' name, I declare by faith that greater things are ahead of you, and the best is still to come. Amen! 

Click here for the full message in TiC YouTube Channel