If you feel like you are not good enough or not successful enough in your life, you need to hear this. The Lord loves you and the Lord accepts you. You are not a failure in His eyes. You are the apple of His eyes. It means you are precious to Him and He has great love towards you. Don't let anyone or the devil talk you out of this.
Remember this: The Lord loves you and the Lord accepts you. It's not about what you do or what's your 'performance' in your life, but it's about who you are in Him. You know why? Because the Lord doesn't measure success the way the world measures success. You see, the world measures success by these: fame, position, money. In other words, how much money you have, how famous you are, how many social media followers you have, what is your position in the society, what is your social status, how many big houses or big cars you have, etc. But you know what? The Lord sees inside of you. The Lord sees the heart. Just look at the twelve disciples that Jesus chose. He didn't choose His disciples using the criteria of fame, position, or money. If He did that, many of these disciples would have failed these criteria.
Therefore beloved of God, be encouraged. You are precious in His eyes. God loves you. This is what the Lord wants to tell you at this time. And no matter what your age may be, and what situation you are in at the moment, look to the Lord. Remember this: You are not useless. You are precious in His eyes. You are His beloved. You are made righteous through your faith in Him. In fact, you have been forgiven of all your sins. You are cleansed and you are made holy through the blood of Jesus shed for you on the cross.
Always give thanks to the Lord. You see, no one may understand what exactly you are going through, but He understands. He sees everything. He knows you inside out.
So, open your heart, and lift up your hands before the Lord. Give yourself entirely to the Lord all over again. Yes, He can even use your hands, as you lift up your hands before Him.
The Lord says: "Lift up your hands, for I am touching your hands. I am anointing your hands for My glory. I am releasing My power through your hands. Use your hands to bless! Use your hands as the extension of My hands!"
Not only the Lord sees you as His precious, He's also inviting you to dedicate your hands to Him right now. Let your hands be cleansed and be washed by the Lord. Yes, the Lord wants to bless you - from top to toe; spirit, soul, body; mind, will, emotions. But today the Lord specifically says He wants to touch your hands.
Psalm 134:2 says, 'Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the Lord.' It means to lift up your hands in His presence. Wherever you are now, He is here with you. You see, we can worship Him with our hands lifted, and not just in songs and singing. When you lift up your hands before Him, it is a sign of worship. And to worship is to surrender, to submit to Him, to yield to Him. As you lift up your hands, you are also blessing His holy name, just as what this psalmist wrote here.
You see, the Lord created our hands not just for manual work, but as instruments of worship and channels of His blessing. Your hands are created as the extension of His ministry and His kingdom!
So, let's lift up our hands, and let us bless His holy name! Bless the Lord! Yes, the Lord is touching your hands right now. Let Him. Let Him release His anointing and His power upon you!
1 Timothy 2:8, in the words of apostle Paul, "I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting." You see, again, you can use your hands to bless. In fact, the Scripture says 'holy hands'. It means your hands are made cleansed and made holy; not by your own works, not by your own strength; but by the blood of Jesus Christ.
Job 11:13 says: "If you would prepare your heart, and stretch out your hands toward Him." It means you can stretch out your hands toward the Lord - in blessing His name, in prayer, in worship, in surrender. So, as you prepare your heart, and as you let go, forgive, and receive this gift of righteousness through Him, you can stretch out your hands and bless His holy name. You can stretch out your hands in prayer. You can stretch out your hands in fellowshipping with Him.
And there's some more!
Mark 16:17-18, in the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, "And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."
See the word 'hands' here? As you receive His anointing and His power, you can lay hands on the sick and let the Lord's healing flow through you and out of you. You are that channel of blessing!
So remember this. Whatever your situation may be at the moment, or if you think your life is going nowhere, just look at your hands. Your hands are blessed hands. Yes, receive these words today. The Lord is releasing great things through your hands. Amen!
Acts 5:12 says, 'And through the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were done among the people.' Acts 19:11 says, 'Now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul.'
Whether you are called into the apostolic ministry or not; whatever you are called for, whatever your situation may be, and wherever you are; the Lord can touch your hands, and the Lord can work miracles through your hands as well!
Acts 8:17 says, 'Then they laid hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.'
Your hands can even be the channel of the Holy Spirit filling other lives, the Holy Spirit baptism. And you know when you are so full of the Holy Spirit, you are blessed! Because the Holy Spirit in you will always lead you and guide you. You will never end up in any 'dead-end road', as long as you follow His leading and walk in His guidance, the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
And you know what? Your hands are not just for spiritual work, not just for healing, for signs and wonders and miracles, for the Holy Spirit baptism; but your hands can be used even in simple ways! Just a pat on the back of somebody can make his or her day!
You see, the Lord can use your hands to encourage others when they are down. The Lord can use your hands to build others. And you know what? Those who encourage others will themselves be encouraged, and those who build others will themselves be built. Because what you sow is what you reap. If you sow encouragement to others, you yourself will reap encouragement.
So that's why not only you are precious in His eyes, your hands are precious in His eyes too. Use it for His glory. Amen!
Matthew 19:13-15 says, 'Then little children were brought to Jesus that He might put His hands on them and pray, but the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them, for of such is the kingdom of heaven." And He laid His hands on them and departed from there.'
Indeed, as Jesus has shown as an example, your hands can also be used to bless and to impart to the new generation, the next generation. You can use your hands to bless, to impart good virtues, to impart grace and to impart wisdom upon children, the generation after yours, so that they will have a bright future. Hallelujah!
See how much God can use you? And I'm just writing about your pair of hands today. I've not written about other areas yet. There are so many parts of our body and so many other areas of our life that I've not mentioned yet. But I'm just talking about your pair of hands today. And even then, the Scripture has so many verses on this!
Let us pray: "O Lord God, whatever our situation may be, we can look to You. Because in Your eyes, we are loved, we are Your precious, we are the apple of Your eyes. We worship You, and we surrender to You today. We receive Your touch today. Touch our hearts, touch our lives, and You have spoken today that You are touching our hands. We receive all this. In Jesus' name. Amen."