Words from the Lord:
"I am turning things around for you! I am turning the tide for you! Whatever others have meant evil or harm against you, I will turn it around for your good. Look to Me, and watch how I will bring this to pass."
"For I am your treasure. For I am more than enough for you. And I am looking at the hearts, to see if anyone would put Me at the centre of their lives, and to see if anyone would seek Me first above all else. For these are the people I am going to manifest Myself to and these are the people I am going to turn things around for them."
The definition of 'turning the tide' is 'to reverse an unfortunate situation into something good'.
Therefore, no matter what the enemy or anyone had meant evil or harm against you, this is the time to look to the Lord, because He will know how to turn things around for your good.
In Genesis 50:20, Joseph said these to his brothers who had sold him as slave many years earlier, "But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive."
At that time, there was a severe famine all over the lands, and Joseph's brothers had to come to Egypt to buy food, as there was not enough food in Canaan where they were residing.
Look at these series of events that eventually led to Joseph being reconciled with his brothers in Egypt:
- If Joseph was never sold as slave by his brothers to the Midianites, he would never have ended up in Egypt (Genesis 37:28)
- If Joseph never ended up in Egypt, he would never have been sold to Potiphar, an officer of the Pharaoh (Genesis 39:1)
- If Joseph was never sold to Potiphar, Potiphar’s wife would never have falsely accused him of rape (Genesis 39:17)
- If Joseph was not falsely accused of rape, he would never have been put in prison (Genesis 39:20)
- If Joseph was never put in prison, he would never have interpreted the butler and baker’s dreams (Genesis 40:8)
- If Joseph never interpreted the butler and baker’s dreams, he would never have interpreted the Pharaoh’s dream (Genesis 41:15)
- If Joseph never interpreted the Pharaoh’s dream, he would never have become prime minister, second in Egypt only to the Pharaoh (Genesis 41:40)
- If Joseph never became prime minister, he would never have wisely prepared for the severe famine to come (Genesis 41:48)
- If Joseph never wisely prepared for the severe famine, then his father and brothers in Canaan would never have come to Egypt and would have died in the severe famine (Genesis 41:57)
People of God, for each of us, we too have our unique situation on earth, and not necessarily be exactly like what Joseph had gone through. But whatever your unique situation may be, take heart in this message from the Lord today that He isn't dead, and He knows exactly how to turn things around for you, if you look to Him. Amen.
Prayer for you today:
"O Lord God, You are turning things around for Your beloved. You are turning the tide for Your beloved, no matter what they have gone through recently. Whatever man or the enemy meant evil or harm against Your beloved, You can turn it around for their good.
Therefore right now, we look to You as our treasure. You are more than enough for us. We put You at the centre of our lives, and we put You first above all else. We draw near to You, and You will draw near to us. We know there's so much more that You want to show to us, as we look to You and put all our trust in You. In Jesus’ name. Amen."