2 Corinthians 2:14 (NKJV): Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.
Notice the word 'always' here? According to Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, this word in Greek means 'every when, at all times, ever (more)'. See the words 'at all times' here? Let me rephrase 2 Corinthians 2:14 now: 'Now thanks be to God who 'every when, at all times, ever more' leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place'! I like the words 'at all times' here. Praise God! You see, the Word of God never says 'sometimes' leads us, or even 'often' leads us, but the Word of God says 'at all times' leads us!
When someone leads, someone else is to follow! So, by the same token, when He leads, somebody is to follow too! And that's you, His people!
And how do we follow if we don't hear from Him first?
Therefore, the key to His leading is your hearing!
People of God, this is a time and season for new beginnings! Our God is always a God of new things. And the key to the new things (that He's going to bring forth) is in hearing Him. This is a time to hear His strategy. Ask Him for His strategy, and you'll receive (Matthew 7:7-8). Listen to His instructions as well. This is a time to be like Mary who said, "Be it unto me according to your word" (Luke 1:38) when angel Gabriel came to her with God's heavenly strategies and instructions.
And that's how God's will and God's destiny for your life will come to pass (and come to full completion) in this new season of yours, just as happened to Mary!
As you would have known, Mary eventually gave birth to Immanuel (literally meaning 'With us is God'). So, as you hear Him and walk in His plans and strategies for you, you too will also 'give birth' to 'whatever you do, with you is God'! In other words, His hands will be upon you in all that you do from now on!
Let us also not be like Simon who did not take God's words (or instructions) as it is. Let's go to Luke 5:1-11 (NKJV) now. When Jesus said to him (Simon), "Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch" (Luke 5:4), he (Simon) then answered, "Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net." (Luke 5:5)
Notice Jesus mentioned 'nets' but Simon answered 'net' here? Notice one is plural, and the other is singular? Well, Simon probably had thought (with his own logics and from his own experience as a fisherman) that it'd be rather impossible to get a big catch at that time of the day! Consequently, he had to 'scramble' for another net (from another boat) because his own net was breaking and his boat was sinking! (see Luke 5:6-7) You see, he would have been spared all those 'anxieties' had he listened and acted exactly on what Jesus had just said! In the end, God's words will still accomplish and will never return back to Him void! (Isaiah 55:11)
I know it's never easy to let go of the old (i.e. a pattern, a system, a way, or even a structure) or something you hold dear (or are familiar with), but this is the time to move on for the new things to come (so that new things can come)!
Many times, we tend to close the door that God has opened for us, and more often than not, this 'closed door' is all in the mind (i.e. our old mindset or old way of seeing things), as Simon was. But will you allow Him to 'lay the ax on those old mindsets' that may not work anymore in the new season? Matthew 3:10 says, 'And even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire'. Blessed are you if you allow Him, because this is a time and season of renewal, and for new sprouts and shoots to grow! (see Job 14:7-9)
For some of you, this is also a time to ask God for His strategy to be debt-free and stay debt-free. The Bible says 'owe no one anything, except to love one another' (Romans 13:8). When you are debt-free, you can then be who and what God intends for you to be in full measure! In other words, freedom from debt allows God to use you in the fullest measure, and for you to be who and what He wants you to be. Trust me, I've been in severe debt before many years ago, and I know what I'm talking about here!
So, people of God, wherever you are in the world right now, and if you are still in any form of financial debt, I pray in Jesus' mighty name that you'll be set free from debt, and that you'll only 'lend, but not borrow'. Amen! Believe for it, and I pray you'll also receive even His specific strategy to be set free, especially in the next seven years (see Genesis 41:47-57). This is also a time for transfer of wealth (see Isaiah 60:11-12) for the expansion of His kingdom. Let Him also lead you in triumph in Christ even in any of your investments these seven years. In Jesus' name. Amen!