Friday, September 28, 2012

The Faithfulness of God

Psalm 92:2 (NKJV): To declare Your lovingkindness in the morning, and Your faithfulness every night.

Even in the darkest of hours, God's faithfulness to you still stay the same! You may have been taught to be faithful to God, and that's great, but today, God also wants you to know that He is faithful to you, and His faithfulness to you hasn't changed!

The Bible doesn't just say God is good to you (Psalm 34:8), but the Bible also says He is faithful to you (Psalm 92:2). It also means He is faithful towards all His promises for you! And because He is a covenant God, He is also faithful to the covenant He has made with you as a believer.

Not just that, He also doesn't bring you somewhere, or lead you out somewhere to suffer you or to bring you sorrow! (Proverbs 10:22)

Let's now go all the way back to Exodus 15:22-26, and back to Moses' days. Moses had just led the people out of the bondage of Egypt with great signs and wonders not long ago, and the Red Sea even opened up for them to cross over! But here they were in the wilderness, finding themselves three days with no water to drink! And even after they've found a pool of water (at Marah), it was useless, for they couldn't drink it (as it was bitter). You see, one can survive three days without food, but one may not survive three days without water! And that was the fact they had to face!

"What now, Moses? What are we going to drink now? If we don't have water for another day, we'll all die here!"

'Stuck' in the middle of nowhere, and worse still, with no water to drink, they probably have murmured all those words against Moses and even began doubting if all these 'coming-out-of-Egypt-thing' was really that worth it!

But as the people complained, Moses cried out to the Lord (Exodus 15:25). See the difference between Moses and the rest? When everyone else complained, Moses did not, but he learned to cry out to God and seek Him. Moses trusted that his God would not lead them out to suffer them! And at that time, when others thought God is no-where, Moses still believed God is now-here!

Moses also believed God's faithfulness (towards the people whom He had led out of Egypt) hasn't changed! If God could open the Red Sea when they were once at the dead-end, He could open the way for them one more time!

And that's when God showed him a tree (Exodus 15:25), and when he cast it into the (bitter) waters, the waters were made sweet, ready for the people to drink! Today, this tree is a 'picture' of the cross and all that Jesus has done for you on the cross. It's here that God can turn whatever that's 'bitter' and make it 'sweet' for you now. It's also here that He has carried all your curse, so that you can now have your 'well' of blessings.

People of God, whatever situation you are faced with right now, look to Him and trust Him. The God in Moses' days is the same God in you today! He hasn't changed. He is faithful to His words for you, and He will see to it that He will lead you on, so long as you don't give up or walk out on Him. You see, men may walk out on you, but God will not. The Bible says 'He will never leave you, nor forsake you' (Hebrews 13:5). His faithfulness towards His promises and plan for you stays the same, just as He had been in Moses' days.

Note: Throughout Israel's journey in the wilderness those days, He had always shown Himself faithful to His people. And even when many in Moses' days gave up or walked out on Him, His faithfulness towards His covenant and promises for them stayed the same. It was the people who walked out on God, not God who walked out on them! The truth is He has kept His word till the very end, and eventually led Joshua and Caleb into the Promised Land. He is indeed a God of covenant and promises!

That's why the Bible says in Philippians 1:6 that 'He who has begun a good work in you will complete it (i.e. bring it to full completion) until the day of our Lord Jesus Christ'. Today, He wants you to know He is faithful towards all His promises for you, and not just that, He will also be faithful to you till the very end. Receive. In Jesus' name. Amen.