Romans 12:2 (NKJV): And do not be conformed to (the value of) this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
The word 'prove' here in Greek is 'dokimazo' (from the word 'dokimos'), which means 'to approve, to allow, to think, to walk in, to walk into'. It means as you are being transformed by the renewing of your mind, you are also 'allowing, walking in, or walking into' what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God to happen in your life!
People of God, this is the time to allow God to renew your mind! Be ready also to experience the new things you've never experienced before (as long as it is in line with the Word of God). There'll be new ways of doing business in the marketplace! There'll be new ways of doing ministry! There'll be new strategies from on high! Even new ways of seeing and understanding the meaning of 'church'. This is also a time to praise and worship like you've never done before!
Some of the things that were 'new' a decade (or two) ago may have become 'old' today. In other words, what used to work in one season may not work in another (or the next) season. Your Moses is dead, and now is Joshua's time. It means what used to work with Moses may not work any more in Joshua's time.
Notice that Joshua was going to do things differently from his predecessor, Moses, even new and unprecedented things that have never been done before, or heard of before. For example, the way Joshua was to take Jericho for God.
This is a time of renewal, and new things begin with the renewal of mind!
This is also a season to 'be bold and be very courageous' as you enter the 'new', just as God had said to Joshua after Moses' death. Allow God to even 'undo' and 'redo' your mind as you prepare for the new things ahead (in your life, ministry, business, or career). I pray that God will sensitize your spiritual eyes and ears, so that you'll see and hear His specific instructions for you as you move into the 'new'. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Let's go to Joshua chapter 5 now, the time when God's people had just crossed over Jordan and into their Promised Land, marking the beginning of a new season for them.
Notice a few things had to happen as they enter their new season:
At that time the Lord said to Joshua, "Make flint knives for yourself, and circumcise the sons of Israel again the second time." (Joshua 5:2)
As a matter of fact, all the men (of Israel) born in Egypt were already dead by then (Joshua 5:4-6), and all those born after Egypt (i.e. during the 40-year journey in the wilderness) had not been circumcised yet.
The word 'circumcise' here is 'muwl' in Hebrew, which means 'to cut off'. It speaks of your 'renewal', i.e. 'to cut off the things connected to the past season, as one moves into the new'.
Note: For a believer in the New Covenant, know that Jesus has already become the circumcision for you, and therefore in Him, you are now a new creation (see Galatians 6:15).
Then the Commander of the Lord's army said to Joshua, "Take your sandal ('shoe' in KJV) off your foot, for the place where you stand is holy." And Joshua did so. (Joshua 5:15)
This word 'sandal' (or 'shoe' in KJV) is 'naal' in Hebrew, which actually means 'lock, being shut up'. It speaks of you being 'set free' from the 'lock' of old wineskins, old way of thinking, old mentality (mindset), and into the 'new' God has for you.
Note: Have you ever noticed that every time God said to 'take your sandal off', it also means God was about to do new things real soon? He did the same during Moses' season too (see also Exodus 3:5).
Finally, and most importantly, continue to lift your eyes and look to Him (Joshua 5:13) because it is He (and not men, or ideas from this worldly realm) who gives you the wisdom and the revelation as you enter into the 'new'. Amen!