Isaiah 54:14: In righteousness you shall be established; you shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear; and you shall be far from terror, for it shall not come near you.
This was prophesied by the prophet Isaiah some 700 years before Christ died on the cross. Today, as a believer in the New Covenant, you can say, "In righteousness I am now (already) established!", because He has already done it for you on the cross some 2,000 years ago! In cross-reference, 2 Corinthians 5:21 says, "For He made Him (Christ) who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him (Christ)."
What does 'righteousness of God in Christ' mean? It means 'in Christ, you are now in right standing with God'. In other words, there's no more animosity between God and you, because of what Christ has done for you on the cross. It also means 'God is not angry with you anymore' (see Isaiah 54:9) because all the wrath (anger) of God against your sins have been satisfied & punished on the body of Jesus at the cross!
Isaiah 54:17d also says 'your righteousness is from God'. It means you cannot become 'righteous' by your own deeds and efforts, but you can only be 'righteous' through Christ. It's a gift from God (Romans 5:17), and only to be received by faith.
I love to read Isaiah 53, 54, and 55 together as one. It always reminds me of Jesus' perfect work on the cross (Isaiah 53) so that I am now made 'righteous' through Him (Isaiah 54), and in turn, let it 'flow to others' so they are 'filled' as well (Isaiah 55)! In short, Isaiah 53 leads to Isaiah 54, and then in turn leads to Isaiah 55. It's a continuation.
Isaiah 55:1 then says, "Everyone who thirsts; come to the waters; and you who have no money; come, buy and eat. Yes, come, buy 'wine' and 'milk' without money and price." Here, Isaiah was talking about God's free gift of His salvation & righteousness, because Somebody has paid the full price for it (at the cross)! Your thirst for God's righteousness has already been 'satisfied' through Christ! Not only that, in Him, you also receive the fullness of His joy ('wine' in this verse is a 'picture' of His joy) and His love ('milk' here is a 'picture' of His love/affection). For a record, Jesus 'turned water into wine' on a 'joyous' wedding occasion (John 2:9), and 'bosom'/'breast' in the Scripture speaks of God's love (John 13:23).
And you know what? There was actually an 'exchange' done on the cross between Jesus and you. Your 'thirst' for righteousness was 'quenched' when Jesus forsook His, as He said, "I thirst!" on the cross (John 19:28). His righteousness has been 'imputed' on you, and so, instead of you 'thirst', He 'thirst'! He did it so you can now be 'clothed with the robe of righteousness' (Isaiah 61:10). It means His righteousness was forsaken, so you can now be made righteous through Him!
And as He 'thirst', the Roman soldiers dealt Him a last cruel blow by giving Him sour wine (vinegar/a form of 'acid') to drink, thinking that He was 'thirsty for water'. This was in fact a form of cruelty (and sarcasm) instead of showing genuine concern (note: you don't give someone vinegar/acid to drink when he/she is thirsty for water!). So, not only Jesus suffered 'indescribable' wounds (Isaiah 53:2) on His outer body, imagine those 'acid' burning through His wounded lips, dry esophagus, stomach, and intestine in His inner body! And this was in addition to some six hours of being nailed on the cross (with non-stop bleeding)! He then finally said, "It is finished!" His work was finally done (John 19:30, Revelation 21:6), and He did it just for you (for He knows you by name), because He loves you so dear.