Monday, March 28, 2011

Revived in His glory!

Exodus 33:18 (NIV): Then Moses said, "Now show me Your glory."

Have you ever wondered why did Moses ask God to show him His glory (Exodus 33:18) at that juncture of his life? I did, and one day, God answered me with two words: 'down' & 'out'. As I was studying Exodus chapters 32, 33 & 34 again, I found it to be very true. Indeed, Moses was 'down' at that time, and his people was 'out'!

Let's go straight to Exodus 32 now. When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of God's writing (Exodus 32:16), his heart 'broke' and 'was shattered' when he saw how his own people bowed down and worshiped the gold calf they've recently made. He was also angered that these people had forgotten their very God (who miraculously brought them out of Egypt with great signs not long ago). Obviously he couldn't control his emotion, and he broke the tablets (Exodus 32:19-20). And that's not it yet! He then had to see how three thousand of his own people die by the sword, brothers killing brothers (Exodus 32:27-28). For a man with a shepherd's heart as he was, that was indeed a real big blow! He must have felt terrible, and he must have felt how much a failure he was (in leading God's people). It was definitely a time of 'spiritual low' in his life. Imagine just not too long ago, these dead were some of those who shouted and praised God with songs of victory after the incredible Red Sea crossing! In short, morale was at a low, the leader was 'down', and the people 'out'.

The Bible says at that juncture, Moses just wanted to be alone (Exodus 33:7-9) and away from his people.

Maybe you are now in a similar situation when 'nothing seems to be happening' in your life. Worse still, you have so far been disappointed, and your dreams never seem to come true. Or maybe you are feeling like a failure, thinking that you amount to nothing good. Or you are going through a 'spiritual low' and 'stagnancy' when nothing seems to be 'moving'.

Beloved, take heart. He has not forgotten you. In fact, if you would believe, He's going to 'show up' like you've never seen before.

Let's get back to Moses now. Exodus 33:12-16 says he was already at the 'end' of himself, not knowing what to do anymore. And if God would still not 'go with him', he'd rather not continue! That was indeed the turning point, and it was then that God said Moses had found favor (grace) in His sight. When you've reached a point when you can't by your own, that's when He can! It was then that God assured him: "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest" (Exodus 33:14). He wanted Moses to know He hasn't forgotten him, and in fact, He was going to do something unprecedented for him. When Moses asked God to show him His glory, that was indeed a difficult request (as no man, sinful man as he is, can see God and still live; for in Him there's no sin, and the wages of sin is death). However, God in all His love and grace never said 'no' to Moses. He did open a 'way'. Today, you have this 'way' too! (see John 14:6) He then asked Moses to stand on the 'rock' (a 'picture' of Jesus), and as His glory ('kabowd' in Hebrew, meaning 'splendor, weight in a good sense, richness, His very presence') passed by, He'd put him in the cleft ('naqar' in Hebrew, meaning 'crack, pierce, thrust') of the rock and cover him (Exodus 33:21). This is a 'picture' of Jesus' body being broken & pierced on the cross, just for you. Moses saw ('raah' in Hebrew, meaning 'behold, enjoy, have experience of) God's glory! And you know what? Everything changed after that for him! Hallelujah!

Because of Jesus & what He's done for you on the cross, you'll always have hope!

He's reviving you now. He's resurrecting your lost dreams. He's breaking your 'stagnancy'. He's lifting you up from your 'doldrums'. He's breaking every curse that hinders you. And yes, He's bringing you 'life' again! Will you allow Him, the King of Glory (see Psalm 24) in? In spite of whatever wrong you've done in the past, and no matter how you've failed, you can still find grace (like Moses did), and yes, only in Christ your 'rock'. Will you look to Him again? He's a God of 'second chance' & He's opening a way for you again!

Now, as I end this writing, let's see what happened to Moses after that. After the 'glory encounter' at the 'rock', God did ask Moses to go up to Mount Sinai again, and with new tablets in his hands (Exodus 34:4). This time, as he came down from the mountain, things were completely different! Praise the Lord! The Bible says the skin of his face shone (Exodus 34:29-30), radiant & glorious. Nobody's bowing down to gold calf this time, nobody's lost in ungodly revelry, and of course, no anger and no breaking of tablets! A big change indeed, the people were ready, and God's words were released successfully!

Today, as a believer in the New Covenant, the glory of the Lord (& Jesus is the King of Glory) shall be released (& manifested) through you again, touching many more lives, just as in the Old Covenant, the law (which Jesus has already fulfilled perfectly some 2,000 years ago) was released through Moses in his day (Exodus 34:31-32).