Monday, November 1, 2010

Hearing in the Spirit

Amos 3:7-8: Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. A lion has roared! Who will not fear? The Lord God has spoken! Who can but prophesy?

God always wants to speak to you, but on your part, you need to have a listening ear. And the good news is He doesn't just speak to the prophets or those serving in full-time ministry. He speaks to anyone who's willing to hear! Amos in the Old Testament was just a farmer, a 'common' man in the eyes of others, and there wasn't any record of him going to any prophets' school. So, unlike the 'Elishas' who have their 'Elijahs', Amos actually had none. But one thing he had: He had words from the Lord! And as he heard from the Lord, he spoke them out! That simple! And that's how he became God's 'mouthpiece' in his time, and as a matter of fact, God did use him to speak against many 'injustices' in his time. In fact, the word 'Amos' means 'burden bearer' in Hebrew. You know what that means? Amos allowed God to use him to speak out 'His burden' for the nations.

Once, the Lord spoke these to me: "Like an earthworm to the earth movement, your spirit should likewise be to the spiritual realm, or the Holy Spirit's movement!". He then prompted me to do some studies on 'earthworms'. I remember asking, "What? Earthworms? Out of so many creatures, earthworms?" But anyway, I just obeyed, and that's how I found out that earthworms are not only essential to soil quality, but they also have one unique feature, i.e. they are very sensitive to 'touch'. Studies have shown that they have very sensitive 'skin cells' that can sense whatever little 'vibration' in the soil! So, whenever there's any little soil movement, or any impending earthquake, they'll be the first to know! And that's when I heard God says "My people in this end-time should be just as sensitive to any movement in the spiritual realm!"

To hear in the Spirit, you need to be connected to the Holy Spirit first! Of course, even before that, you need to receive the Holy Spirit first (i.e. be baptized in the Holy Spirit). When you are in the Spirit, you'll hear in the Spirit (see Galatians 5:16-18), just as when you are in the 'flesh', you'll hear in the flesh (i.e. 'fleshly' things)! As you begin, it's always good to enter into a time of worship first, praying in the spirit (praying in tongues), or reading the Word. What you hear in the Spirit should be spontaneous (i.e. not premeditated beforehand), and bears the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). It should also never contradict the Word of God. The Word of God is and will always be the foundation when you hear with your spirit.

Recently, I was led to ask the Lord for deeper spiritual understanding and discernment, and I did the same for all the people under my daily prayer covering in the church. You can ask for it too! He is definitely in the midst of preparing His people to be at the 'cutting edge' in the spiritual realm! He wants His people to know His end-time strategy on how to advance & triumph over the enemy! I was in a prayer gathering recently when someone saw a vision of white waves (like those of the sea) flowing from the worship leader to the rest in our midst, and right then, that person heard me declaring into the spiritual realm that His people is being raised up to 'ride on the wave of the Holy Spirit', like the expert 'surfers' at the sea! She only told me about it after the prayer gathering has ended.

People of God, this is your time to hear strategies. This is your time to hear His 'game plan'. The Bible says 'without revelation, the people perish' (see Proverbs 29:18). This is His time to raise up a people of revelation who would hear His 'marching orders' with such great precision and accuracy! Are you game for this? Are you willing to be part of His whole 'game plan'? Will you be like Amos in his days? Amos spoke and declared without fear whenever he heard in the Spirit, and the Bible says those words roared like lion! Lions are kings of the jungle, and when they roar, the whole 'citizen' in the jungle 'trembles'! Jesus Himself is called the Lion of Judah, and He lives in you and speaks through you!

There are many ways God can speak to you, and these are some examples:
1. Through the Word of God released/read/preached (Acts 2:37).
2. Through inner witness, i.e. Holy Spirit speaking in your conscience (Romans 8:16, Romans 9:1).
3. Through stirrings (or provoking) in your spirit (Acts 17:16).
4. Through a drop of thought or vision/dream (Acts 16:6-10).
5. Through perceiving (or discerning) with your spirit (Hebrews 5:14).