Monday, May 24, 2010

In spite of your 'failures', God's love for you never fails!

Genesis 39:2a: The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful man.

I heard these words one day: "In spite of your 'failures', God's love for you never fails". Indeed, His love for you never fails (1 Corinthians 13:8). Beloved, rest assured He will never leave you nor forsake you, and even in your 'driest' time, He is still with you, and is still working in your life (Philippians 2:13).

It doesn't matter what a failure you thought you've been, or what mistake (or how many mistakes) you've made in the past, God's love for you is still the same. His love for you hasn't changed. Joseph in the Old Testament was a 'failure' in the eyes of the world. Not only was he despised by his brothers (Genesis 37:5), he was also stripped (Genesis 37:23), thrown into a pit (Genesis 37:24), sold as a slave (Genesis 37:28), and later, thrown into prison (Genesis 39:20). But in spite of all these 'failures' (that would have 'wiped off' many others), he knew he still had 'someone'. He knew he still had the Lord. He knew despite all these, the Lord is still with him, and this made all the difference. He also knew God's love for him never fails, despite all the 'calamities' that have befallen him. In Genesis 39:2, the Bible says 'the Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful man'. What? The Bible calls him a 'successful man' even when he was despised, stripped, thrown, enslaved, and imprisoned? Well, you see God's definition of 'success' isn't really what the world sees 'success'. The world sees 'success' by what you have, how big your car is, how much you have in the bank, how many investments you have, etc, but God sees 'success' by who you have. When you have Jesus, you have everything! Joseph had nothing else but the Lord, and by this, the Lord called him a 'successful man'! 

Friends, you know the rest of the story. Joseph went on to become a great man in a great nation which was foreign to him, i.e Egypt. He became an equivalent to a 'prime minister' in our time, and in one of the biggest economies in the world those days. You see, he had no money, no contacts, no friends, no relatives, and not even clothes (he was starkly naked when sold at the slave market to Potiphar) to begin with, but He had the Lord. I believe you are much 'better off' than Joseph at the moment, but beloved, if you have the Lord, you have everything. Because God was with Joseph, and because God is the source of all wisdom, knowledge, and favor, wisdom began to flow in him, knowledge began to flow in him, and favor began to flow in him. He eventually became a 'success' even in the eyes of the world!

So beloved, do not look at 'what you have' at the moment, but instead look at 'who you have', and just as Joseph was, you can declare for yourself "the Lord is with _____________, and I am a successful man/woman, and the Lord makes all I do to prosper". Believe & receive.