Now, what is the opposite of the word ‘troubled’ in John 14:27? The answer is shalom peace, not the one that the world gives, but the one that comes from God. Shalom peace is God’s perfect peace.
What then is the opposite of the word ‘afraid’ in John 14:27? It’s faith of God. It means having a believing heart that God is always with you, no matter what!
Beloved, He is your Shepherd (Psalm 23:1), and when the Shepherd is with you, you will never lack any peace, protection, or any other good thing. The Bible says He is your Jehovah-Shalom, the God who gives you shalom peace (perfect peace). Trust Him in every area of your life, and receive His peace now.
Do you know that sheep are very short-sighted animals? Sheep can't see too far, and they are definitely 'easy meat' for wolves, snakes, or any other predators in the field. That's why there's a need for shepherds. A shepherd's job is first and foremost to watch over his sheep. The shepherd's stick is used to chase away the sheep's predators, and the stick also serves to assure & comfort the sheep of the shepherd's presence. When the sheep know that the shepherd is around, they have no more fear. They would just be totally 'immersed' in grazing the grass in the field, without being 'troubled' or 'afraid' anymore!
Beloved, likewise Jesus is your Good Shepherd (John 10:11a), and you are His beloved sheep. If He is for you (with you), who can be against you? (Romans 8:31b) The Bible also says 'Jesus who is in you is greater than whatever that's in this world'! So, be rest assured, my friend. Trust in His goodness all your life and for your family's (Psalm 23:6). He promises to be with you (Psalm 23:4), and you'll be sure to come out victorious. Allow Him to be your Good Shepherd today.