Friday, August 21, 2009

Choose to bless and speak 'life'!

Proverbs 18:21: Death and life are in the power of the tongue. And those who love it will eat its fruit.'

Whatever you speak over your life, or whatever you speak over your spouse, your children, your family, or anything else (business, studies, work, etc) will either bring ‘life’ or bring ‘death’. That’s how powerful your tongue can be! Sometimes we hear words like, “I am useless!”, “I am not going to make it!” or “I am good for nothing!” being spoken. But instead of saying such ‘death’ words, why not say, “I am already blessed” or “by Jesus' stripes, I am already healed!”.

When you speak ‘life’ over an area of your life, you are actually declaring it into being. So, if you want to see a breakthrough in finance, begin to speak 'life' over your finance, and if you want to see yourself living in good health, begin to speak 'life' over your body. That's what Proverbs 18:21 tells us!

Our tongue can either be used to bless or to curse (James 3:9-12). But friends, choose to bless. When you speak 'life', you are actually speaking 'blessings'. The word ‘bless’ in Greek is ‘eulogeo’, which means ‘to speak well of'. Start to 'speak well of' your life. Start to 'speak well of' your spouse, your children, and your family. Start to 'speak well of' every other area of your life! As a believer, know that Jesus has already carried your curse upon Himself on the cross, andyou are meant to be blessed!

Choose also to bless others. When you bless others, you’ll start to see yourself blessed too. The bible says you reap what you sow (Galatians 6:7). Those who have past brokenness, bitterness or hurts (that have not been healed yet) may sometimes speak bitter or hurtful words, even unknowingly or unintentionally. The bible says ‘out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks’ (Matthew 12:34). This in turn causes even more hurts. It's like a 'spring' that sends forth 'bitter waters' (James 3:11). But when one is healed, 'sweet waters' will begin to flow out, and it shall 'water' and 'nourish' many others as well.

Maybe you have been broken or hurt before in the past, and it wasn't even your fault. Or maybe you have been finding it hard to forgive yourself, or forgive someone. Take heart my friend. Whatever you have been going through, God understands, and He wants to heal you right now. Know that with Him, nothing is impossible. Jesus has already died on the cross to carry your brokenness and hurts, and He has already made you whole. What you can do now is receive your healing. He wants you healed because He so loves you, and He has blessings waiting for you to receive.

Beloved, you are meant to be blessed, because this is God's inheritance for you. You are an heir of God through Christ (Galatians 4:7). You are also ‘blessed with every spiritual blessing’ (Ephesians 1:3). And not only that, He also wants you to be a blessing to others, and out of you shall flow ‘rivers' of living waters that water and bring ‘life’ to many others (John 7:38).