Isaiah 53:4a: Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows.
When Jesus was afflicted, bruised, and wounded on the cross, the Bible says His appearance was beyond recognition, and there’s no more form, beauty, and comeliness in Him (Isaiah 53:2-3). That was how He suffered for us. He willingly did it, for you and me. He has carried our griefs and sorrows once and for all on the cross. Today, His works is finished. It has been done. He has taken all our griefs and sorrows upon Himself, so that you and I can be set free from griefs and sorrows. Peace has prevailed in our lives.
You may ask, “Pastor, how sure are you?” Let’s take God at His Word. Isaiah 53:4a says ‘surely’. In Hebrew, the translation of the word ‘surely’ is “aken”. It means ‘certainly, truly, firmly’. So when the Word says ‘surely’, it really means ‘surely’. It’s 100%. It’s for certain. It's a guarantee. Surely, Jesus has borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows. The word ‘griefs’ here is ‘choliy’ in Hebrew, the original language in the book of Isaiah. You know what it means? It’s not just ‘griefs’ emotionally, but it also means physical disease, or sickness. So, if you have been having symptoms of a disease, or if you have actually been diagnosed by your doctor that you carry a disease, I have good news for you. Let’s take God at His Word. He says, ‘Surely, He has borne your griefs (disease, sickness).’ That’s as good as a ‘guarantee’ from God that you are healed! What you need to do now is ‘believe, and receive’ your healing. Believe that by Jesus’ stripes, you were healed already (Isaiah 53:5). It’s been done on the cross some 2,000 years ago. He was ‘broken’ so that you are made whole.
Jesus has also carried all your sorrows (Isaiah 53:4). This word ‘sorrow’ in Hebrew is ‘makowb’, which means ‘pain, anguish.’ Wow! God guarantees in His Word that He has also carried your ‘pains and anxiety’, whether in spirit, soul, or body. My friend, you can have your healing right now. It doesn’t matter what you have been diagnosed with, or what symptoms of disease you may seem to have, God says you’ll surely be healed, and He backs this up with the word ‘surely’. 'Surely’ really means ‘surely’. Believe and receive His healing for you right now! Keep declaring ‘by Jesus’ stripes, I am healed!’ Keep declaring ‘by Jesus’ brokenness, I’m now made whole!’