Saturday, February 22, 2025
Words from the Lord: "It's your launching time!"
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Receive discernment for this time and season
The Lord says:
"My people need to discern! My people need to discern what I am doing in their lives right now, and in this time and season. This is the time to ask for discernment and understanding of the times. Ask, and you shall receive. As you receive from Me, you will know how to avoid the pitfalls and dangers around you. As you receive from Me, you will know how to prepare and walk in the new works that I am doing in your life. Stay in tune with Me. Stay aligned with Me. Commune with Me."
In the context of God's words today, 'to discern' means 'to be able to understand, perceive, see, and recognize (something)'. Is it from the Lord? Or is it not from the Lord? Is it time to move ahead? Or not to move ahead? What you ought to do? And what you ought not to do?
Many things are going to change this year. The way we do things. The way we see things. The way we understand things. That's why discernment is the key right now. But the Lord will help you, if you look to Him. Amen!
The last time a major change of season was in the year 2020. But this year 2025 is the beginning of another big change. For you, I want to believe and pray it will be a change to the better. A time of breakthrough in your life!
I heard the Lord say further:
"Like in the days of David, it is time to bring My glory back to your home or wherever you are."
Yes, this is one area I heard loud and clear from the Lord in this time and season. It's time to bring His glory back into your life. It's time to bring His glory back to your home. It's time to bring His glory back to your household. Welcome Him. Let His glory fill your life again. Let His glory fill your home again. Let His glory fill the land where you are, wherever the Lord puts you in this time and season.
Let's go all the way to 1 Chronicles 13:2-3. David said to all the assembly of Israel, "If it seems good to you, and if it is of the Lord our God, let us send out to our brethren everywhere who are left in all the land of Israel, and with them to the priests and Levites who are in their cities and their common-lands, that they may gather together to us, and let us bring the ark of our God back to us, for we have not inquired at it since the days of Saul."
Now, 'the ark of the covenant' here speaks of 'the glory of God or the presence of God being with you'. David and God's people those days eventually brought the ark back. To cut the whole story short, they never looked back ever since. They went on to see great victories and success. God's name is glorified!
So beloved of God, like David, the same it is in your life, in your family, and in your household. Open your home and open your household to His glory filling all in all. Amen!
You see, David knew the time and season. David knew it is the right time. David gave priority to this. Just one chapter before that, you see there lies the key! Let's look at 1 Chronicles 12 now. There's a tribe among God's people those days whom God specifically mentioned about knowing their time and season. 1 Chronicles 12:32. '...of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do...' The New Living Translation (NLT) puts it this way: 'From the tribe of Issachar... All these men understood the signs of the times and knew the best course for Israel to take.'
Interestingly, the name 'Issachar' (or 'Yissakar' in Hebrew) can mean 'he will bring reward, he will yield reward'. Like the sons of Issachar, as you walk in God's timing for your life, you will see good reward and good result too! In other words, right timing brings right results! Therefore, it's so important to ask God for discernment and to understand the right timing in your life, especially in this unpredictable time in the world right now.
Many people underestimate the importance of the sense of timing. For example, when to go ahead on something, or when not to go ahead on something. You see, timing is the key! There is a time to prepare, and there is a time to launch. There is a time to advance, and there is a time to retreat. There is a time to release, and there is a time to hold back. But one thing for sure: God knows better and sees farther! So, you can count on the Lord in this.
If something is from the Lord, and it is the right timing to go ahead, the Lord will give you the sense of peace inside of you. He can give you the confirmation about it. Confirmation can come in many ways. It can even come through dreams from God to show you what to do and what not to do. I personally have been guided by dreams from God many times at different junctures of my life. It saved me from a lot of trouble, when I heeded those dreams.
Let's move on to Proverbs 3:5-6. I read from The Message version. 'Trust God from the bottom of your heart. Don't try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go. He's the One who will keep you on track.' In Ecclesiastes 3:1, The Message version puts it this way: 'There's an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth.'
So beloved, listen to His leading and guidance in your life. You may ask: "How?" Go deeper in the Word of God. Dig into the Word of God. Pray in the spirit often. Set your mind on the Lord. Set your mind on the things above, and not on the things below. Commune with Him. Go deeper in your relationship with Him. That's how you can stay in tune with the Holy Spirit inside of you. Of course, stay aligned with Him and His Word. Heed what He says. And let His blood wash you clean, cleansing you white as snow. Cleanse your heart. Cleanse your hands. Clear yourself from any entanglement or sin in this world. Ask God to teach you and help you how to clear all those mess. And you know what? Many things are going to be made clearer and clearer in your life. There will be clarity!
The Lord is also saying to you right now:
"Do not fear what comes in this world! Do not be tossed to and fro by the media or by the news of this world. Shut your ears from the noises of this world. But listen to the still small voice inside of you. I want to speak to you! I want to show you many secrets that you know not of before! Do not trust in the 'chariots' and 'horses' in this world. But trust in Me. Let Me fill you with My Spirit. For you shall begin to walk in My wisdom and My revelation, going forward. Take heed, and no matter what 'shakings' that you see in this world, you shall be spared! For I'm going to teach you how to see according to My way. Not according to how the world show you. Not according to how the world say to you."
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Words from the Lord: "It's time to ride on My wave!"
While I was praying and seeking the Lord the other day, I saw a huge wave coming. I saw people riding on the wave. But the good thing is none got submerged or drowned by this huge wave. In other words, this is a good kind of wave. This wave is bringing the people to see many things that they have not seen or experienced before.
That's when I heard the Lord say:
"I am bringing you to the next level in this time and season. I am releasing this new wave in the spirit for you to ride on. Nothing can stop this wave that comes from Me. Move with how I move. I am also causing you to see from a brand new height. You are going to see the many things that you have not seen or experienced before. It will be good."
In the Bible and in the biblical interpretation, 'wave' or 'waves' can be a good thing or can be a bad thing, depending on the context. But this wave that I saw is definitely a good one. It is not a wave of destruction, but it is a wave that brings you to see from new heights.
In the context of God's message for you today, 'wave' or 'waves' can be interpreted as 'a good change in something, an increase in the amount of something, a renewal or transition into something better, or a progression into something greater'.
I heard the Lord say further:
"No looking back. I am giving you the power and strength to rise above whatever that has submerged you or drowned you. It is supernatural. It will confound the enemy. It will cause the enemy to turn back. The enemy thinks it is impossible, but nothing is impossible to Me. You will begin to rise above what has held you back or pulled you down all these while. You will begin to see what has been thought to be impossible be now made possible. This is the new season I am bringing you into."
Let's go to Psalm 56:9-11. This is a psalm of David at a time when the enemy captured him. David declared: 'When I cry out to You, then my enemies will turn back; This I know, because God is for me. In God (I will praise His word), in the Lord (I will praise His word), in God I have put my trust. I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?'
Let's go to The Passion Translation now. This translation paraphrased these verses this way: 'The very moment I call to You for a Father's help, the tide of battle turns and my enemies flee. This one thing I know: God is on my side! I trust in the Lord. And I praise Him! I trust in the Word of God. And I praise Him! What harm could man do to me? With God on my side, I will not be afraid of what comes.'
As I sought the Lord further, I heard the Lord say:
"Everything happened for a reason. Even in your darkest hours, and even at times when you don't understand why things happened the way they happened in your life, I have always been there for you and I have always been watching over you. You may not see Me or how I work, but I see you and I am continuously working in your life. I know how to work things together for your good. Therefore, no looking back, but keep looking to Me. I see the end from the beginning. I see the destiny that I have for your life. And I have always remembered My plans and destiny for your life. Take heart."
Maybe you have been going through some of the darkest times in your life. Maybe you have been in a situation like you are 'groping in the dark', not knowing what to do with your life anymore. This may be in your career or in any area of your life. Or maybe you think you are at a dead-end road, and the enemy 'adds salt to the wound' and makes you think you are 'checkmate'. Whatever your situation may be, the Lord is encouraging you today through Psalm 56.
You see, like David who was captured by the enemy at that time, and seemingly having no way of escape, the Lord wants you to know that He will always have a way of escape for you. Even in ways that are unconventional to humans. Even in ways that are imperceivable to humans. Yeah, even in ways unthought of by humans.
As you ride and surf on this wave that the Lord is releasing, the Lord is bringing you to new things and new changes in your life. Good things. Amen!
Another example of God remembering His destiny for a person, even when a person has long forgotten it or given it up, is Moses. Remember when Moses had to run for his life away from Egypt into the wilderness? He then became a shepherd in the wilderness for some forty years. By then, Moses had long forgotten God's destiny for him. He probably thought he would be a shepherd in the wilderness the rest of his life. But you see, he didn't know that was actually a time of preparation for him. The Lord was constantly working behind the scenes to prepare him for what is to come. In other words, the Lord remembered His plan and destiny for Moses. What was that plan and destiny? To save God's people from slavery in Egypt.
One day, as he led the flock to the back of the desert, and came to Horeb, God called him from the midst of the burning bush, "Moses, Moses." And he said, "Here I am."
Beloved of God, the Lord is also calling your name right now. Will you say to Him, "Here I am"? Because He is about to do great and wonderful things in your life.
God then said to Moses, "Come now, therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring My people out of Egypt." But Moses said, "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the people out of Egypt?" So God said, "I will certainly be with you..."
God also said to him, "What is that in your hand?" Moses answered, "A rod." To Moses, it was just a rod. An old shepherd's rod. Nothing more than that. He didn't know that God would use it in ways inconceivable to him. This same rod, when he raised it up, caused great miracles, signs and wonders. And yes, even opened the Red Sea!
God is saying the same to you: "What is that in your hand? What is that you have now? I will use it, even in ways that you cannot imagine yet."
Before we wrap up this message today, let's read Exodus 4:10-12. Moses said to the Lord, "O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither before nor since You have spoken to Your servant; but I am slow of speech and slow of tongue." So the Lord said to him, "Who has made man's mouth?... Have not I, the Lord? Now therefore, go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall say."
You know what? The rest is history. Moses fulfilled God's destiny for him to lead God's people out of slavery. And with God with Moses, and God doing miracles, signs and wonders through Moses, even that great, powerful Pharaoh had to concede. God's people never needed to go back into slavery in Egypt again. You see? No looking back, but looking to God!
For you too, beloved, no looking back, but looking to God! No more doubting. No more hesitating. But trusting in the Lord with all your heart. Trusting in the Lord that He knows what He is doing in your life. Amen!
"O Lord God, we thank You for Your words for us today. No looking back, but looking to You. We want to ride on this wave that You have released for us. We will not fear, because You are with us and for us. You will cause us to see the many things that You have wanted us to see. You will cause us to walk in greater heights that we have not imagined possible. You will cause us to fulfill Your destiny that You have planned for us all along. So, we keep moving forward. We know, like You have done for David and Moses in the Scripture, You will also guide us and lead us - step by step, every step of the way - if we look to You and seek You. In the name of Jesus. Amen."