2 Corinthians 2:14 says, "Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place" (see New King James Version).
The word ‘triumph’ (in Greek, ‘thriambeuo’) here means ‘to conquer, to be victorious, to rise above, or to shout aloud joyfully in a triumphal procession, with songs of celebration and jubilation.’ Thanks be to God who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ, and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him (New International Version).
This triumphal procession is likened to the procession celebrating the triumphant Roman generals in Paul’s days, where they would parade the spoils of the war that have been won, to loud cheers, applause, and shouts of triumph from everyone in the streets.
The procession of the ‘ark of the covenant’ has already started again, & you are now in the midst of this great end-time procession! This is your time, God's people! The ‘ark of the covenant’ always means the glory of the Lord, Jesus Christ Himself! He is coming to His church and to our land in ways we have never seen before in history. We are now in such time & season of God's calendar, a time when you'll see more of His manifestation all over the world. Therefore, let us position ourselves for His glory! The fullness of the Lord is at hand!
Jesus’ triumphal entry to Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1-11) was an entrance of the glory of God, just as in the days of David when the ‘ark of the covenant’ was brought to Jerusalem (1 Chronicles 15:1-29).
He is always the One leading you in triumph! It’s not by your own strength or self-effort, but it’s in Christ. As a believer, know that Christ has already done it for you on the cross some 2,000 years ago. On the third day after He died for you, He rose again. Life has therefore conquered death. Mercy has triumphed over judgment. Health has triumphed over illness. Prosperity has triumphed over lack. The enemy has been defeated, and our Lord has already triumphed! This is your time to shout to the Lord with the voice of triumph & victory (Psalm 47:1)! And yes, believe it in every area of your life!
As you triumph in Christ, let the fragrance of this knowledge of Christ (& what He has done on the cross) spread everywhere through you, wherever you go and whoever you meet, because the time for the knowledge of the glory of the Lord filling the earth, as the waters covering the sea (Habakkuk 2:14) has come! Hallelujah!