Romans 5:20b (NKJV) says, ‘where sin abounds, grace much more abounds’. The word ‘abounds’ in the first part here (i.e. ‘where sin abounds’) is ‘pleonazo’ in Greek. It means ‘increase, become more’, whereas the words ‘much more abounds’ in the second part of Romans 5:20b is ‘huper perisseuo’ in Greek. It means ‘super-abound, abound much more, or exceeding’. The word ‘huper’ actually means ‘super’ or ‘over and above’ in Greek. In NIV, Romans 5:20b says ‘where sin increased, grace increased all the more’. So, in conclusion, we can say that God’s grace ‘super-abounds’, or ‘exceedingly much more’ over the increase in sin!
People of God, don’t be discouraged when you see ‘increase’ in sin, problems, or diseases in the world today. The Word of God says God’s grace ‘super-abounds’ over such ‘increase’! It means if the devil tries to attack your health or your family (or in any other area of life), know that God’s grace for you always ‘super-abounds’! In fact, God’s will for your life is you should prosper (in every way) and be in perfect health, just as your soul prospers (3 John 2). This is God’s ‘original’ for you! The devil is the one who does the ‘opposite’ (‘anti’ & ‘counter-act’). He is the ‘counterfeit’. He opposes God’s plan for your life, and tries to ‘pull you down’ whenever you are ‘taking-off’. Not just that, ‘he wants your plane to crash as well’! But the good news is God always overcomes, and you (as a believer) shall also overcome because you are born of His ‘seed’!
So, whenever the devil ‘attacks’ your health, say and declare, “I receive ‘super-abounding’ healing grace for my health!” Or if you are in lack, say and declare, “I receive ‘super-abounding’ grace for prosperity!” If you are still struggling with a sin (or bondage) and you really want to be set free, look away from your sin and begin looking to Jesus (and His blood that was shed for you on the cross), and receive His ‘super-abounding’ grace to be set free!
The Bible says ‘And we know all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose’ (Romans 8:28 NKJV). Notice this verse begins with ‘And we know’. People of God, you must ‘know’ all things work together for good to you. In spite of whatever 'obstacle' you may be facing right now, I declare that God's plan for your life shall never get 'off-track' or crash! I also declare that God's plan for your life shall 'take-off' and you'll reach your 'destiny'! I know God has a purpose for my life too, and today I have no doubt about my call as a preacher, pastor, and teacher of the Word. As a preacher, one important ‘asset’ is to have a ‘mouth’ to speak! But early in my life, the devil 'attacked' that very area God has planned for my life. I remember growing up with severe ‘speech impairment’, and I couldn’t even pronounce ‘good morning’ properly even by the age of twelve! I was often laughed at, mocked, and teased by my schoolmates, and as a consequence, I grew up very timid, and with much inferiority complex. Today, I can testify that I have been completely healed! And as I look back, I praise God for his healing grace that has ‘super-abounded’ over whatever the devil threw at me! In fact, the very area that I was weak at, God has since turned it around for His glory!
Now let’s look at David in the Bible. One day, Goliath came the ‘opposite’ way, and David was to 'overcome' him. It was a 'make or break', 'do-or-die' situation, where 'the winner takes all' (see 1 Samuel 17). In fact, the whole of Israel's future at that time was hanging on this 'battle'! Goliath had earlier threatened to 'strip' the whole of Israel and make them servants to the Philistines. Interestingly, ‘Goliath’ in Hebrew means ‘exile, or stripped of everything’. To be ‘exiled’ means ‘to be taken away from your original, good, and native land by force’. ‘Goliath’ here is a ’picture’ of whatever 'adversary' you may be facing now. The 'adversary' would always try to 'strip' you from God’s original plan for your life. However, the good news is God’s grace for your life always ‘super-abounds’, just as it was for David! And as you know, David overcame Goliath! In fact, without a ‘Goliath’, David wouldn’t be as ‘famous’ as he was after that! So, I can say Goliath actually made David ‘famous’!
Where there's the 'original', there'll be the ‘counterfeit’. The 'adversary' is always the 'counterfeit', and he will always threaten to 'strip' you of the Original’s (God's) plan for your life. But, just as David was, God sees you as His precious and beloved. He is always with you, and will never leave you nor forsake you, and on top of that, His grace is always 'super-abounding' in you! The name ‘David’ is ‘dowd’ in Hebrew, which also means ‘beloved, loved, lover’, and just as David was, in Him, you His beloved will also eventually come out the winner!
Beloved, know that God’s grace for your life is greater than all your sins, shame, mistakes, troubles, or diseases summed up together! The Bible says Jesus is God’s grace ‘personified’. God’s grace and truth came through Jesus (see John 1:17). In fact, Jesus is greater than all the sins, diseases, sorrow, pain, etc in the world summed up together! And that's exactly why He died on the cross for you some 2,000 years ago, and not just that, He rose up from the dead on the third day! He has indeed overcome your 'adversary' once and for all on the cross, and today, He is more than enough for you! (see 2 Corinthians 12:9) So, whatever you may be struggling at the moment, look away from that 'adversary', and start looking to Jesus now. He is your Sufficiency, and His grace is ‘super-abounding’ in you (and in any area of your life) today. Believe and receive. In Him, you have already ‘overcome’, and in Him, you are set free!