Sunday, August 22, 2010

Building what God puts in your heart - The Nehemiah Story

The book of Nehemiah is God's comfort that anything ruined (broken) in your life can be restored or rebuilt! It's a book of great hope. In fact, the word 'Nehemiah' means 'the consolation of God'. 

People of God, 'the good work that God has begun in you, He shall bring it to full completion' (Philippians 1:6). God's plan for you shall not be aborted! That's what happened to Nehemiah! Nehemiah himself wrote it's God who 'put in his heart' (Nehemiah 2:12) what to do at Jerusalem, i.e. to rebuild the broken wall. The end-result was a sure success (Nehemiah 6:15). In fact, in Nehemiah 6:16, it is written that even the enemies acknowledged that 'this must be the work of God'! The wall was completed in a mere 52 days, against all odds, and despite all kinds of mockery, fury, attacks, confusion, threats, plots, or conspiracy of the 'enemy' against God's people!

When Nehemiah was laughed at and mocked by his 'distractors' or 'detractors', he answered them: "The God of heaven Himself will prosper us; therefore we His servants will arise and build" (Nehemiah 2:20). That's how sure he was in what God had spoken into his life! He knew the building (& rebuilding) shall be a sure success because this work was 'backed up' by the Lord Himself! As you can see, it was God who started this work, not man's mere self-effort or intelligence or even zeal.

Is there any area that God has spoken personally to you, or 'put in your heart' to build or rebuild? Maybe you've not seen 'it' coming to pass yet, or you may have even given up hope on 'it'. Will you allow Him to 'work in you' in a fresh way? God is looking and searching for a heart that's willing and available.

Philippians 2:13 says 'it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure'. That was exactly what He did in Nehemiah. It is no different for you today! Despite your past or your past mistakes, do you know that God can still work in you today? He says that "your sins I will remember no more" (Hebrews 8:12) as you return to Him. Despite what the devil may say (or accuse you) about your past, God still sees you as His precious and beloved! This is God's comfort for you today!

The devil may 'throw' all sorts of 'darts' to get you 'side-tracked' and 'discouraged'. But just as Nehemiah was, God's grace is sufficient for you. Continue to look to Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith (Hebrews 12:2). Continue to be conscious of His goodness for your life. He has indeed carried all your curse and failures on the cross, and what you have now is His blessings and favor in all its fullness! 

Believe that whatever God has 'put in your heart' (to do) shall 'come to full completion'! Never give up on Him, because He has not! Continue to focus on His goodness and His finished work on the cross. The best has yet to come! Keep looking to Him in all His loveliness. Keep looking to His finished work on the cross! The 'enemy' may try to 'downplay' or 'deny' the completed work of Jesus on the cross, but the truth is 'the cross made all the difference'! Nehemiah continued to focus on what God has 'put in his heart'. He never wavered no matter what the 'enemy' has to 'throw' at him (Nehemiah 6:1-4). 

Beloved, begin to stand on the sure foundation of God's Word today. It's time to 'say what God says', not what the 'enemy' has to say. As you stand on this 'rock', the 'unshakeable rock', i.e. the Word of God, you are definitely standing on the winning side! God is definitely 'backing you up'! And if God is for you, who can be against you? (Romans 8:31)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Jesus has taken your 'cup' of death, so you can now receive His 'cup' of life!

In Luke 22:42, Jesus said, "Father, if it is your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done." What did Jesus actually mean in this conversation with God the Father? Some people think Jesus was saying He wish not to go through the humiliation or suffering (or pain) of arrest (& eventually the suffering at the cross). But was that really all? Jesus couldn't stand the humiliation, pain & physical/emotional suffering? I truly believe He could stand all these.

So then, what did Jesus actually mean? Let's look at the word 'cup' in Luke 22:42 first. It is ‘poterion’ in Greek, which means ‘a drinking vessel; a situation/happening one goes through, a lot, a fate, a portion’. So, ‘to drink the cup’ means 'to go through the situation/lot/fate/portion, no matter how bitter or sweet it is to go through'. Now, I don’t like to use the word ‘fate’, as I don’t believe in statements like, “Well, I’m fated to be poor and a failure all my life”. However, let's look at this word in the context of Jesus at the cross. He had to go through it (in order to reconcile men to God). He had to 'drink' this ‘cup’ of poverty, failure, or defeat on the cross, so that you can now drink the ‘cup’ of blessing, prosperity & victory!

Now, the truth is it wasn't really the physical/emotional suffering or humiliation (at the hands of His persecutors) that Jesus wish not, but it was His 'separation' from God the Father (read Mark 15:33-39). This Father-Son relationship cannot be separated. They are One. Jesus Himself said, "I and My Father are One" (John 10:30). This Father-Son relationship is like ‘sun & light’. To separate this Father-Son relationship is like 'separating the sun from its light'! The sun 'loses its glory' when it loses its light. This Father-Son relationship is a relationship of love, and they are inseparable. But for once (& for all), they had to separate so that we can become ‘one’ with God again (Romans 5:8, Romans 8:35-39). Such is God’s amazing love for you and me!

In Mark 15:33, this 'separation' of Father & Son was even reflected in the natural realm ('there was darkness over the whole land', i.e. no sunlight). What happens in the spiritual realm is reflected in the natural realm.

The Father was separated from the Son (Jesus) at the cross (Mark 15:34-39), so now we are ‘at-oned’ (atoned) with God again (for sin has separated us from God, and the wages of sin is death). God the Son (Jesus) who knew no sin became sin for us, so that we can now be the righteousness of God (in right standing with God) through Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21).

Certain things happen only once in eternity. Jesus was separated from His Father once and for all, as a perfect offering on the cross (Hebrews 10:14) for you and me. He has paved the way for you to eternal life (John 3:16, John 14:6). The cross made all the difference!

Jesus was totally God but also totally man (yet with no sin) in his 33 years on earth. He took on the bodily form, like you and me. So, of course He could also experience pain, even the physical ones. But the greatest pain is still the pain of separation. Pain (whatever pain it may be) never originates from God. Pain is a consequence of sin (Genesis 3:16). The first time 'pain' was written in the Bible was after the fall of Adam & Eve (i.e. Eve had to give birth in pain). But the good news is Jesus has already carried all your 'pain' on the cross, so you will not!

In your communion time, as you partake the drink, say, “Jesus, thank you for drinking (taking) my ‘cup’ of death, so I can now drink (receive) your ‘cup’ of life”. Jesus has indeed taken your 'cup' of death (bitterness) so that you can now have the 'cup' that runs over (overflowing with sweetness & the goodness of God). How do I know? Psalm 23:5 says so. Begin looking to Jesus as your Shepherd, and you'll have this 'cup'! He has taken this 'cup' of separation at the cross, so that you have the cup of 'at-one-ment' (atonement, i.e. 'at one', reconciled with God again). And not only that, Psalm 23:5 also says 'He prepares a table (banquet) before you in the presence of your enemies'. You know what? Victory is yours for the taking now. The devil has already been defeated. Celebrate your victory today! 

Monday, August 9, 2010

A 'helper comparable'

Genesis 2:18 (NKJV): And the Lord God said, "It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him".

The words ‘helper comparable’ (NKJV) or ‘help meet for him’ (KJV) in Hebrew is ‘ezer’, which means ‘to aid, to surround & to protect’. Therefore, the word ‘helper’ in Genesis 2:18 & Genesis 2:20 for Eve is never an inferior word. Eve was someone comparable & compatible to Adam. In fact, the words in KJV ‘help meet for him (Adam)’ show to us that Adam has found his rightful ‘match’, when no other creature on earth could fill that 'place'. You see, many wives see being 'helper' means they are 'inferior' to their husbands (or so they were made to think), but the very word 'ezer' doesn't just mean 'to aid', but also 'to surround & to protect'! There are areas where the husband (as head of the family) do the protection (e.g. in giving physical security to the wife, etc), but do you know that a husband needs the wife's protection as well (especially in some of the more 'subtle' areas of life)? An 'aeroplane' cannot fly (soar) with only one 'wing'. It takes two (i.e. husband & wife comparable), lest it 'flutters'!

Now, I'm here to say that I'm not 'affiliated' to any 'male rights' or 'women rights' group, or any 'rights' group. The only one sure foundation I stand on is the Word of God, nothing but the Word! It's about what God says, not what man (or woman) says!

It’s time to ‘rebuild’ what God has originally ‘built’, and that includes the area of 'marriage'. In a time when the original Word of God has been so 'watered down' and 'adulterated' with so many human philosophies or fleshly opinions, let's go back to the very original! Psalm 89:34 says 'My (YHWH's) covenant I will not break, nor alter the Word that has gone out of My lips'. In fact, the word 'Genesis' in Hebrew is 'reshiyth', meaning 'original, origins, beginnings, the first (in place, time, order, rank), firstfruit, chief of chiefs, the principal thing’. 

This word 'Genesis' is also where the word ‘genetics’ come from. Now, what does it mean by 'being genetically-altered'? It means ‘not original anymore, i.e. adulterated’. To be 'adulterated’ means ‘become poorer in quality after adding other substances’. This is exactly what has been happening in our time, the end-time! The original Word of God has been compromised just to suit the 'fleshly desires/philosophies' of human! There are just too many opinions here and there, & everywhere nowadays. But has God not spoken clearly in the Word? The Word of God is actually so simple (and direct) that it needs 'help' to misunderstand it! Remember how the serpent 'helped' Eve to misunderstand what God has spoken (so clearly) to Adam? See Genesis 3:1. 

Has God created an Adam with more than one 'Eves'? Has God indeed created an Adam with a 'Steve'? Or has Eve been created to be like a 'maid/servant/slave' to Adam (since the English translation of 'ezer' has been grossly misunderstood as merely 'helper')? 

People of God, not what flesh has built, but what God has built! It’s time to break away from men’s traditions or man-made religious practices that may have 'crept' into even the Body of Christ! Don’t build on what YHWH has never originally built! Dig back to the Word, the unadulterated Word of God, the principal thing! That's why I personally study the Word of God by also studying in Hebrew & Greek in order to get the original meaning. Anything that’s not built on/upon the Word of God will not last. Matthew 7:24-29 says to build the 'house' on the rock (i.e. the unadulterated Word of God, & Jesus is the Word became flesh), not build it on the sand (i.e. on men’s ideas, men’s philosophies, men’s opinions, or religious traditions). Unless the Lord builds the 'house', it’s all built in vain (Psalm 127:1). In Luke chapter 4, Jesus said “It is written” three times (a 'picture' of 'complete' trust in the Word, as the number 'three' in Hebrew means 'complete'). 

Get back & dig back to the 'unadulterated' Word of God, not the 'genetically-altered' version! One sure area is in ‘marriage’. Marriage is God-ordained. It is sacred. In fact, it's a covenant! A marriage is a covenant relationship (i.e. lifetime relationship – ‘till death do us part’), and it cannot be broken. This is different from a 'contractual agreement', where the two parties can end the ‘contract’ by mutual consent. A covenant is 'for lifetime'. In fact, God puts the highest priority on the covenant of marriage. Proof? Look at Adam & Eve, the very beginning ('reshiyth', i.e. 'the principal thing'). Do you know that a marriage covenant has existed long before any tabernacle, temple, priestly service, or even the 'law' ever existed on earth?

Husbands, as head of the wife, love, cherish & protect your wife, giving yourself for her just as Christ did for the church (Ephesians 5:22-25). Wives, as you submit to your husband, you are not just an 'aid' to him, but you are also to surround & protect him (the very meaning of the word 'ezer'). Also, for both husbands & wives, give priority to one another, and a 'listening ear' to one another. Husband and wife must ‘communicate’. That is the main key! If the husband does not 'communicate', chances are the wife will find 'somebody else' to communicate. And if the wife does not 'communicate', chances are the husband will also find 'somebody else' to communicate! This is a breeding ground towards an 'emotional affair', and if not checked, it may lead to 'physical/sexual affair' outside a marriage. This eventually leads to the downfall of a marriage (which started so blissful in the beginning). The same happened to the first couple. Adam could have communicated (what God has spoken directly to him about eating what & what not in the garden) more clearly to Eve, and not ‘presume’ she knows whatever he knows. The consequence? Eve was deceived to believe the lies of the serpent (to eat the 'forbidden fruit'), and eventually both Adam & Eve had to share the 'blame'. Speaking of lack of communication! They were then pronounced ‘cursed’ & 'guilty' (Genesis 3:15-19). God had to keep His word ("for in the day that you eat of 'it', you shall surely die"). A sin is still a sin. Now thank God for the 2nd Adam (Jesus) who made things right again some 2,000 years ago!

I end this writing with the word ‘husband’. Do you know the origins of this word? It comes from the word ‘house-bound’, i.e. 'someone bound and covenanted to his wife only & his newly-founded family (where the two have become one)'. A 'house-bound' is someone who 'honors his marriage covenant'. It is a good kind of 'being bound'. Within this 'boundary', the husband is 'aided, surrounded, & protected' (the very meaning of the word 'ezer'). So, it's completely untrue the sayings 'a wedlock is a padlock'! In a marriage, one finds true protection. Indeed, "behind every great man is a great woman"! 

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Hearing God in dreams

Job 33:15-16: In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds, then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction.

This end-time is a crucial time to receive dreams and visions (refer Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17). Dreams are also called ‘visions of the night’ (Job 33:15) in the Scripture. Joel’s prophecy (Joel 2:28) in the Old Testament came to pass on the Day of Pentecost & onwards. Peter quoted this verse (see Acts 2:17) in his first sermon upon receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Dream from God is not mind play or replay of activities of the day, but it’s a sovereign overruling of God over your mind. God does (and still does) communicate directly to you, His beloved people. The outstanding feature of a dream from God is its 'originality', i.e. you never have imagined it before in your mind. It’s a special revelation from God to you. For example, in Matthew 1:20, Joseph received a special, direct revelation through a dream (to take Mary as his wife). A dream from God bypasses logical reasoning of the mind, and is often ‘symbolic’ in nature. A symbol of, say ‘fire’, can mean a good thing to some (symbol of ‘light’), and can mean a bad thing to another (maybe the person has had a bad experience with fire before, e.g. house fire). The interpretation of a dream can also depend on the ‘mood’ of the dream, and because it is often symbolic, it does take spiritual understanding and spiritual maturity to interpret it.

What are the purposes of dreams from God?
1. God confirms with dreams (see Matthew 1:20).
2. God answers with dreams (see Matthew 1:20).
3.  God instructs with dreams (see Matthew 1:20).
4. God makes promises in dreams (see 1 Kings 3:12-13), for example, the one King Solomon had. Interestingly, King Solomon even made a decision on what to ask God for (he asked for 'an understanding heart' to judge the people, that he may discern between good and evil) in a dream!
5. God cautions through dreams, against danger, and to prevent evil from happening (see Matthew 2:12), for example, dream given to the wise men (to go their way, and not to return to King Herod, who actually meant harm for the new-born Child, Jesus).

Interpretation (of a dream) belongs to God (Genesis 40:8). Seek Him as you are awakened by the dream. Ask God for its interpretation, or if needed, share the dream to someone you trust spiritually (e.g. your spiritual leader, or someone spiritually matured). Dreams are mainly for the dreamer himself (for the person receiving the dream). Joseph (Mary’s husband) interpreted the dream by himself, and for himself (to take Mary as his wife). However, the other Joseph (son of Jacob) interpreted for Pharaoh & even his fellow prisoners, i.e. the butler & the baker. These are examples of situations when a person needed another (someone spiritually matured & in-tune with the Spirit) to help interpret a dream.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Be endued with 'dunamis' from on high!

Luke 24:49b: '...endued with power (dunamis) from on high (above).'

Let's begin with the Greek word 'dunamai' first. The word 'dunamai' (where the word 'dunamis' comes from) means 'to be able or possible, be able, can, could, can do, be of power, be possible'.

And according to Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, 'dunamis' (from the word ‘dunamai’) is 'force, miraculous power, ability, abundance, worker of miracle, power, strength, mighty (wonderful) works, mighty deeds'. 'Dunamis' in the Bible is 'God’s very own power'.

In Mark 5:30 (when a woman with a 'flow of blood' for 12 years being healed when she 'touched' Jesus), you'll see the words 'power gone out of Jesus' in New King James Version (NKJV), or 'virtue gone out of Jesus' in King James Version (KJV). Likewise, in Luke 6:19 (when Jesus ministered to the whole multitude, and all were healed), you'll see the same words 'power' (in NKJV) or 'virtue' (in KJV) coming out from Jesus and healed them all. Both these words 'power' (in NKJV) and 'virtue' (in KJV) are translated as 'dunamis' in Greek. I especially like the word ‘virtue’ (in KJV) because it means ‘a good thing’. You know what? 'A good thing' came out from Jesus, healing the sick and bringing solution to every need! It’s a 'substance', it's 'tangible', and of course, it can be felt! 

Who is the source of  this 'dunamis' power? It's God Himself, the possessor of heaven and earth. Matthew 6:13 says, 'For Yours is the kingdom, the power (dunamis), and the glory forever. Amen'. This power (dunamis) is His, just as the kingdom is His & the glory is His! In Mark 13:26, it says 'then they will see Jesus coming in the clouds with great power (dunamis) & glory'. In short, 'dunamis' here is God’s very own power. This power is His, and His alone!

Is this 'dunamis' power then meant for us to receive? The answer is a resounding "yes"! The Word of God says so! Jesus Himself said this: “Be endued with this power (dunamis) from on high (above), when the Holy Spirit has come" (Luke 24:49). 'To be endued' here means 'to be clothed with, or to be filled with'. Acts 1:8 then says, 'you shall receive power (dunamis) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me (Jesus) in Jerusalem, and in all Judea & Samaria, and to the end of the earth.'

After the disciples of Christ have received this power (dunamis) from on high, Acts 4:33 then says, 'with great power (dunamis), they gave witness to the resurrection of Jesus'. Hallelujah! The church was in such a time when it grew leaps and bounds in every way, and the Bible says 'great grace (favor) was upon them all'!

Notice what the apostle Paul wrote: 'I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power (dunamis) of God to salvation' (Romans 1:16). You know what it means here? As the gospel of Christ is being preached, it is this very same power (dunamis) that 'breaks the power of darkness or bondage of unbelief', releasing people into the kingdom of 'light'!

The apostle Paul also wrote in 1 Corinthians 2:4 that 'the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ is in demonstration of God’s Spirit & power (dunamis)'. As you preach the Word (or the gospel of Christ), God can work through you with the manifestation of His spiritual gifts (eg word of knowledge, word of wisdom, etc in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11) & 'dunamis' power (that brings healing & miracles) to confirm the Word (or the gospel of Christ) being preached!

Beloved, be conscious of this 'dunamis' power that is in you right now. You have been 'endued' with 'dunamis' from on high when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and know that He can work through you as you 'supply' your hands for the healing of the sick, and as you 'supply' your mouth for the preaching of the gospel! Let Him do the rest, and see His power (dunamis) begin to work!